Open Source Writing
    Experimental Prototype X1.06  

An airliner carrying long-dead passengers by swordfish

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"It must have been that weird green thunderstorm we flew through a while back. I read a while back that they can affect time on any metallic body near by" said the co-pilot.

"Where on Earth did you read that ?" said the Captain thinking his co-pilot was smoking pot.

"Oh The Sirius Science Journal" said the co-pilot "They also had some great articles on Anti-matter power systems and Warp drives" he added. A cold dread crept over him as he realised his stupid mistake. Was his cover blown ? he thought how he could get out of this one.

"The what ?" asked the captain, now totally convinced his co-pilot was off his rocker.

"Oh it just a joke" said the co-pilot hoping this take the captain off the scent. He enjoyed working under cover on this primitive planet and was quite eager to not blow his cover until it was time to return.

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