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The Wife Disposal Service by swordfish

Section 30 - "Chapter 19 - Re-boot" | Back

The two men were on the ferry going from Cows, Isle of Wight to Portsmouth and then on to pick up the Rolls-Royce, which had been driven there earlier by Keith. There wasn't much to do for the time being so they just admired the view.

The ferry arrived at Portsmouth and the two men walked down the ramp onto dry land. The first man sent a text to his driver to meet them at the Rolls-Royce. They split up and executed anti-surveillance protocols and finally met up at the awaiting Rolls-Royce. The driver got the text, checked out of the hotel and walked to where the Rolls was parked. He checked the indicator for evidence of attached devices and got in.

"Bloody seagulls !" said the first man totally mistaking the splodge of almost invisible dirt-stained UV paint on the windscreen for gull-crap.

"It will be nice to ride in the old girl again." said the second man.

"Do you mean the Rolls or your girl-friend ?" joked the first man.

"She's not that old !" said the second man.

The driver unlocked the two rear doors and the two men got in. The first man pulled back a panel to reveal the touch screen and touched 'RF Scan'. The screen showed there was nothing near by.

"The 'pig' radar seems unusually quiet, " said the second man " we normally get the odd 'blip' here and there."

"Get ready." said the first man.

"Get ready for what ?" said the second man, slightly confused.

"This !" said the first man. Suddenly the 'pig' radar showed dozens of 'piggy' faces all around them indicating that they were surrounded by many police officers. It worked by detecting their radio transmissions.

"We're trapped. I can't see a way out of this !" said the second man.

"Don't worry, I think I know what's going to happen" said the first man touching 'Protocols' then 'Protocol 1' and finally 'Prepare' on the touch screen. The Rolls-Royce sent an encrypted burst of data to all the other units.

"How did you know that was going to happen." said the second man.

"Friends in high places. Get ready." said the first man.

DCI Coulson and DI Hanson approached the Rolls-Royce which was now surrounded by armed police. The only way out was into the sea.

"Wait here." instructed DCI Coulson to DI Hanson. She walked to the last few yards to the Rolls-Royce and knocked on the rear door. The door opened and she got in.

"I'm DCI Coulson." said DCI Coulson.

"Hello Alison, I suppose you've come to arrest us ?" asked the first man.

"That depends." said DCI Coulson.

"On what ?" said the second man very surprised.

"I need your help." said DCI Coulson.

"To bump off your husband or your bit on the side ?" said the second man.

"You know about him ! ... No, not yet !" joked DCI Coulson wondering how much more they knew about her.

"OK, tell us more !" said the first man.

"Obviously I can't allow groups like you to go around killing people, party because of the expense but mostly because of the moral predicament it puts me in" said DCI Coulson. "So I want to suggest an alternative strategy."

"OK ..."

"Instead of killing the divorcer ... how about allowing the divorcee to vanish with all their wealth instead ?" said DCI Coulson "Find a way to change their identity and move their wealth in such a way that it can't be traced" she added.

The two men looked at each other. "Large amounts of wealth can't just vanish without raising suspicion." added the second man.

"... unless it can be made to vanish in a legitimate, non-suspicious fashion" added the first man. "Like a fake stock market crash, bankruptcy, hacking or a staged theft." he added.

"I'll let you boys work out the details. " said DCI Coulson "I think I will be your first customer" she added.

"Oh ..." said the first man.

"Yeah, well I don't want my idiotic husband to get half my stuff when I divorce his silly arse and I don't want to stay in the police force much longer. So we need to find a way for me, my bit-on-the-side and my hard-earned wealth to simply drop of the radar." she said.

"It will take some time to work out and to prepare. What if we refuse ?" asked the first man.

"Our investigation will be very long and deep. I have enough information to put you two away for at least a century or two." said DCI Coulson.

"And if we agree ?" asked the first man.

"Our investigation will be short and shallow. You evaded us for quite some time so this shouldn't be a problem. You will be free to operate as you see fit and keep whatever booty you get from your endeavours. Obviously, as you will be operating way outside of the law, I can't get involved and will have to go through the motions of tracking you down." said DCI Coulson.

"That sounds interesting !" said the first man.

"Also, to assist my promotion , I need a few high-profile arrests, perhaps you could arrange that too." said DCI Couson.

"Wow ... you don't want much !" said the first man sarcastically.

"So, do I assume helping you get promoted means you can be more useful to us ?" asked the second man.

"Yes, it would. I'm sure we could use some that amazing technology you've developed too." said DCI Coulson.

"That would make our job much harder, so I think not." said the first man.

"Hmm pity. So, do we have an agreement ?" asked DCI Coulson.

"Before I answer, you also need to understand that this arrangement goes both ways. You want lots from us what do we get from you ?" asked the first man.

"At some point, I might be able to arrange access to government resources. I could deflect the odd investigation." said DCI Coulson.

"What kind of government resources ?" asked the second man.

"We have a few unused buildings. Direct but limited access to various police databases and systems. When I get promoted I might even get you very limited access to GCHQ. I also happen to know a few very rich people who would support you, indirectly, of course." said DCI Coulson.

"GCHQ access could be very handy !" said the second man.

"The financial support could also be handy." said the first man.

"So, do we have an agreement ?" asked DCI Coulson again.

The first man looked at the second man who nodded. "Yes" said the first man.

"As I have seen your faces, your escape plan must give the impression that all three of you died. I assume you have that plan ready ?" asked DCI Coulson.

"Of course !" said the first man.

"Well, It's been fun chasing you two, an interesting challenge to say the least." said DCI Coulson

"It's been fun evading you." said the second man.

"So, make it look good ... and I'll see you on the other side." said DCI Coulson looking at the pistol the second man was holding.

The second man looked at the first man, who nodded. The first man touched 'Execute' on his touch screen which responded with a 30 second count-down.

The second man shot DCI Coulson where it wouldn't do too much damage and pushed her out of the Rolls-Royce on to the hard concrete.

"Driver, Drive off the edge !" shouted the first man to the driver.

The police opened fire and the Rolls-Royce drove off the edge into the sea in a hail of bullets.

"Are you OK ?" asked a very concerned DI Hanson looking at his boss's wound.

"I'll live !" said DCI Coulson.

There was a huge under-water explosion.

The End.

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