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The Wife Disposal Service by Peter

Section 12 - "Chapter 6 - Chicken" | Back

Jack and Jennie were sitting on the sofa watching TV, although to be more accurate, Jennie was converting packs of Doritos into vast fatty deposits and Jack was trying to think on how to Google for a way to 'disappear' her without raising red flags everywhere.

"Perhaps Google wasn't the answer" thought Jack as his wife started on another family size pack.

Jack had an idea but decided to wait until Jennie fell asleep which she did a while later. He pulled out his mobile and texted "how can I search without being traced" to an old friend.

Twenty minutes later the friend responded with "get tor or i2p then search on or search silk road". Jack put his phone away.

"What are you doing ?" enquired Jennie.

"Nothing." lied Jack "I'm off to bed now."

"OK I'm just going to watch the end of this and then I'll come too." replied Jennie, winking.

"OK" said Jack, "Ugh grotesque !" thought Jack and went upstairs.

Jack brushed his teeth, got his tablet and climbed into bed. He typed in "" and saw a duck inside a red circle above a search box. "Oh !" thought Jack, who hadn't expected something with such a silly name to actually work.

He typed "i2p" and looked at the top listing. "The Invisible Internet Project." thought Jack "This could be handy."

Downstairs Jennie made a Herculean effort to lift her huge body off the sofa and failed with a loud thump. Jack switched off his tablet and put it under the bed. Jennie tried again and succeeded - barely. She waddled across the room to the stairs and started the long climb up. Jack pretended to be asleep when Jennie flopped into bed next to him.

"The grotty bitch didn't clean her teeth again." thought Jack "She's really gotta go." and fell asleep a while later.

"Oh for fucks sake !!" thought Jack as he woke to the sound of a hippopotamus snoring next to him. He slipped out of bed and quietly went down stairs to the living room and switched on his laptop. He remembered what he had been told by his friend. He downloaded the Tor software to anonymise his internet connection and setup it up. He started searching for ways to un-wife and hit gold. He left a message and went back to bed but he couldn't sleep with Jennie's snoring and the evil thoughts going through his mind.

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Alternative Section 13
By Peter (UID:1)

DI Hanson also couldn't sleep. He was trying to figure out how people could search for ways to murder their wives without being flagged by GCHQ or the NSA. Perhaps there is some kind of invisible network, but where would you find it ? DI Hanson wasn't really a 'techie' by nature, but he knew people who were and decided to chat to a few the next day. He also needed to touch base with his boss to keep her up to date.

Jack woke up and went down stairs again to his laptop. He open the lid and entered his password. To his surprise, amongst the spam and work-related junk there was a short message. It was a list of instructions. Jack made a note on a bit of paper and deleted the message.

"Honey put the kettle on !" screamed Jennie from her bed.

"OK" yelled Jack and went to the kitchen. He filled up the kettle, put it back on it's base and switched it on. It was at that point the full gravity of what he was about to do hit him. He took a couple of mugs down from the cupboard and started doing the coffee.

DI Hanson walked along the corridor and stood out side a door. The name tag said "Alison Coulson - Chief Inspector". DI Hanson knocked on the door and walked in.

"I'm just going out for a bit" shouted Jack but Jennie didn't hear as she was in the bath.

Jack removed the piece of paper with the notes he took earlier. As he walked and read the note, he was unaware of the two men following him. He walked into the supermarket as instructed, walked into the cafeteria, got a coffee and sat down.

"OK ... what now ?" thought Jack as he looked around. He felt a strange vibration in his pocket and got out his mobile. To his surprise, it wasn't ringing. The vibration continued so Jack felt his other pockets and to his surprise found a second phone and a USB memory stick. As he pulled the phone out it stopped. He looked at the screen and there was a text message waiting from someone called TWDS. He read the message.

The two men that had been following him were in the same cafeteria watching. It had been one of them that placed the phone and USB memory stick in Jack's pocket when he was getting his coffee. He scrolled the message and read some more. Jack finished his coffee and went home.

"Task complete" texted one of the men to someone higher up the food-chain. They both got up and left.

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